Thursday, January 21, 2010

Questioning God when bad things happen...

I read this today and thought it was an intresting point and one I had not heard before...Thought I'd share it...

"Maybe the reason we question God's moral character when bad things happen is that we live our lives largely independent from Him. In other words, we struggle to trust God in times of trouble because we do not really trust Him when things are going well. Maybe we struggle with suffering so much in the West because we are so comfortable most of the time that we feel we don't need God. We do not rely on Him on a daily basis, and so we do not really know Him. When suffering comes along, therefore, it is not so much that it takes us away from God, but that it reveals to us that we have not really been close to God in the first place.

-Michael Ramsden, European director of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries.

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