Monday, August 18, 2008

Olympic Youth Ministry Event

Every time the Olympics come around I get more and more sucked in, it's like a tractor beam, that pulls me to my couch and TV. I began to last night think what makes the Olympics so special, engaging, powerful, and exciting? I believe because it's not so mundane, it does not happen every summer, or every year. It's something you look forward to, something you wait for four years.

I then thought what if we did something in ministry that evokes that type of mountain top event. Not a sporting event. Something that is not CIY Move, CIY Believe, Summer Camp, VBS, Winter Retreat, Mission Trips, an every year type of thing. Don't get me wrong these are awesome events that I promote and love and I think a super important. But what if we did something that students would look forward to and prepare for every four years.
What could this event be? I have some ideas but I'll keep them to myself right now.

Question to comment on or ponder? What could this "Olympic" youth ministry event be?

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